A Little History Print


Mobil.id is a mechanical design company which had as initial mission, to design and manufactured aid mobility vehicule. Subsequently we have diversified our business activities to include design and consultation in the tooling and machinery field.
I am a mechanical engineering technician. I graduated in 1992 and since then have worked mainly in tooling design. I worked among others for the company Centerline Ontario, Bombardier Transportation, Stryker and L & G Cloutier. During these different working experiences, I went from machinist up to project coordinator through the positions of senior designer and tools developer. I am president of Mobil.id since its inception in 2003 and I've worked 2 years in developing 3 vehicles prototype for person with reduced mobility.
In my many years of experience I realized projects design for several different areas. I designed tools for large-scale component manufacturing, transportation equipment, gauges for robotic cell and manual welding, machining jigs modular inspection templates and cutting dies for forming and recreational products, appliances and automobiles. I also designed several automated production units for the areas of stamping and forming tubular products.
Our design tool are intended for all manufacturing companies, machine shops and manufacturers specialize in tooling.My areas of expertise include welding jigs and assembly, matrices, gauges and dedicated machinery.